Russian Museum of Ethnography, 4/1, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
Russian Museum of Ethnography
The museum displays unique objects of peoples living in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It preserves cultural artefacts of 157 peoples of Russia and neighbouring countries.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is housed in a building constructed in the style of Russian neoclassicism. The gem of the building is the Marble Hall. It was conceived as a memorial hall in honour of Emperor Alexander III. The peculiarity of this monumental structure, with an area of about 1,000 square metres, is the use of only Russian pink marble for decoration. Along the perimeter of the Marble Hall there is a high relief frieze depicting representatives of various peoples of the Russian Empire. Sculptors have placed numerous figures on it, forming genre scenes from the lives of multiple peoples of the Russian Empire, creating a collective image of Russia and emphasizing the idea of ethnic diversity, richness and variety of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting it.
Access with participant badge. The badge must be presented at the entrance to the museum.

1, Krasnoarmeysky Prospekt, Gatchina
Gatchina Palace
In this 18th-century palace, you can see the restored staterooms that date back to times of Paul I, including the upper throne room and the state bedchamber, take a walk down the romantic underground passage, and check out the famous Gatchina echo.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

7, Sadovaya Ulitsa, Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin
Catherine Palace
The museum’s exhibition covers over 300 years of its history and the restoration efforts after the Great Patriotic War.
There is the possibility to independently purchase an audio guide.
Access with participant badge. Entrance through the Church Gate (landmark – bust of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli)

St. Petersburg’s Historical Park «Russia – My History», 32/1, Basseynaya Ulitsa
"The St. Petersburg–Africa: Contours of Interaction"
The exhibition will be held as part of the Second Russia–Africa Summit and the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, scheduled to take place on 27–28 July 2023.
15 subjects have been selected for the exhibition, representing important topics from the point of view of relations between Russia and Africa, with a particular relevance to St. Petersburg:
− Africans in St. Petersburg under Peter the Great: Abram Gannibal, an African ancestor of Alexander Pushkin
− Egyptomania in St. Petersburg: Sphinxes
− Russian Travellers in East Africa: Chikin, Gumilev, Vavilov
− Africa Learns: Students from the Black Continent on the Banks of the Neva River
− St. Petersburg and the Boer Struggle for Independence
− Participation of African Athletes in Sports Competitions on the Neva River
− Scientific African Studies in Leningrad/St. Petersburg
− Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Leningrad: The First Visit of an African Leader
− Visits to Leningrad by African Leaders
− Leningrad's Assistance in the Establishment of an Institute of Light Industry in Algeria
− St. Petersburg–Africa Cultural Exchange
− Construction of Warships for African States at St. Petersburg Shipyards
− African Collections in St. Petersburg Museums
− African Animals in the Leningrad Zoo
− Diplomatic Representations of African States in St. Petersburg
Access free

17, Sadovaya Ulitsa. Entrance is from the corner of Sadovaya Ulitsa and Lomonosovskaya Ulitsa, or from Nevsky Prospekt (walk along the Sadovaya Ulitsa almost to the end. 2nd floor)
Word Catchers museum exposition and creative space
20th Century State Literary Museum
As well as the exhibition on the second floor of Gostiny Dvor, the 20th Century State Literary Museum opened a cultural space. The venue will become a destination for authors, experts, and lovers of classic and modern literature.
Sessions of the Reading With Our Noses perfume-literary exhibition will be organized for Forum and Summit participants at 13:00 and 19:00 on 26–29 July in French, in the Word Catchers exposition and creative space in the Bolshoy Gostiny Dvor.
Participants can enter the exhibition using their badge. Book a place by phone: 8 (812) 630 0203. The number of places is limited.

22A, Ulitsa Chkalova, Gatchina
Priory Palace
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Lenfilm film studio, 10, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt
Days of African Culture and Cinema: Africa Together in the Future festival
The event programme will include a photo exhibition, music concerts by African performers, contemporary African poetry, thematic lectures, roundtable discussions and a rich film programme. The Lenfilm studio will be the main platform for the cultural festival.
The access format for participants will be finalized at a later date

2, Cheboksarsky Pereulok (through the archway, first entrance on the left in the courtyard)
Zoshchenko Apartment Museum
20th Century State Literary Museum
Sightseeing tour for participants of the Summit and Forum in English on July 26, 27 and 29 at 14:00, July 28 at 12:00.
Participants of the Forum and Summit can access the museum for free with their badge. To book a place, call 8 (812) 571 7819. The number of places is limited.

Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum, 5/2, Kuznechny Pereulok
Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

4B, Yelagin Island
Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation
Museum of Artisan Glass;
Staterooms of Yelagin Palace.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Peterhof State Museum and Reserve, 2, Razvodnaya Ulitsa, Petrodvorets
Park of the Peterhof State Museum and Reserve
Access with participant badge

17, Sadovaya Ulitsa. Entrance is from the corner of Sadovaya Ulitsa and Lomonosovskaya Ulitsa, or from Nevsky Prospekt (walk along the Sadovaya Ulitsa almost to the end. 2nd floor)
Word Catchers museum exposition and creative space
20th Century State Literary Museum
As well as the exhibition on the second floor of Gostiny Dvor, the 20th Century State Literary Museum opened a cultural space. The venue will become a destination for authors, experts, and lovers of classic and modern literature.
Sessions of the Reading With Our Noses perfume-literary exhibition will be organized for Forum and Summit participants at 13:00 and 19:00 on 26–29 July in French, in the Word Catchers exposition and creative space in the Bolshoy Gostiny Dvor.
Participants can enter the exhibition using their badge. Book a place by phone: 8 (812) 630 0203. The number of places is limited.

St. Petersburg’s Historical Park «Russia – My History», 32/1, Basseynaya Ulitsa
"The St. Petersburg–Africa: Contours of Interaction"
The exhibition will be held as part of the Second Russia–Africa Summit and the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, scheduled to take place on 27–28 July 2023.
15 subjects have been selected for the exhibition, representing important topics from the point of view of relations between Russia and Africa, with a particular relevance to St. Petersburg:
− Africans in St. Petersburg under Peter the Great: Abram Gannibal, an African ancestor of Alexander Pushkin
− Egyptomania in St. Petersburg: Sphinxes
− Russian Travellers in East Africa: Chikin, Gumilev, Vavilov
− Africa Learns: Students from the Black Continent on the Banks of the Neva River
− St. Petersburg and the Boer Struggle for Independence
− Participation of African Athletes in Sports Competitions on the Neva River
− Scientific African Studies in Leningrad/St. Petersburg
− Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Leningrad: The First Visit of an African Leader
− Visits to Leningrad by African Leaders
− Leningrad's Assistance in the Establishment of an Institute of Light Industry in Algeria
− St. Petersburg–Africa Cultural Exchange
− Construction of Warships for African States at St. Petersburg Shipyards
− African Collections in St. Petersburg Museums
− African Animals in the Leningrad Zoo
− Diplomatic Representations of African States in St. Petersburg
Access free

7, Sadovaya Ulitsa, Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin
Catherine Palace
The museum’s exhibition covers over 300 years of its history and the restoration efforts after the Great Patriotic War.
There is the possibility to independently purchase an audio guide.
Access with participant badge. Entrance through the Church Gate (landmark – bust of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli)

4B, Yelagin Island
Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation
Museum of Artisan Glass;
Staterooms of Yelagin Palace.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Russian Museum of Ethnography, 4/1, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
Russian Museum of Ethnography
The museum displays unique objects of peoples living in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It preserves cultural artefacts of 157 peoples of Russia and neighbouring countries.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is housed in a building constructed in the style of Russian neoclassicism. The gem of the building is the Marble Hall. It was conceived as a memorial hall in honour of Emperor Alexander III. The peculiarity of this monumental structure, with an area of about 1,000 square metres, is the use of only Russian pink marble for decoration. Along the perimeter of the Marble Hall there is a high relief frieze depicting representatives of various peoples of the Russian Empire. Sculptors have placed numerous figures on it, forming genre scenes from the lives of multiple peoples of the Russian Empire, creating a collective image of Russia and emphasizing the idea of ethnic diversity, richness and variety of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting it.
Access with participant badge. The badge must be presented at the entrance to the museum.

1, Krasnoarmeysky Prospekt, Gatchina
Gatchina Palace
In this 18th-century palace, you can see the restored staterooms that date back to times of Paul I, including the upper throne room and the state bedchamber, take a walk down the romantic underground passage, and check out the famous Gatchina echo.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

St. Isaac’s Cathedral, 4, St. Isaac's Square
Museum St. Isaac’s Cathedral
The colonnade of St. Isaac’s is definitely a place worth visiting. Being the city’s most famous observation deck, it gives its visitors an opportunity to enjoy the view of the Neva and St. Petersburg’s historical areas.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office №6, №7.

2, Cheboksarsky Pereulok (through the archway, first entrance on the left in the courtyard)
Zoshchenko Apartment Museum
20th Century State Literary Museum
Sightseeing tour for participants of the Summit and Forum in English on July 26, 27 and 29 at 14:00, July 28 at 12:00.
Participants of the Forum and Summit can access the museum for free with their badge. To book a place, call 8 (812) 571 7819. The number of places is limited.

22A, Ulitsa Chkalova, Gatchina
Priory Palace
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum, 5/2, Kuznechny Pereulok
Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Lenfilm film studio, 10, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt
Days of African Culture and Cinema: Africa Together in the Future festival
The event programme will include a photo exhibition, music concerts by African performers, contemporary African poetry, thematic lectures, roundtable discussions and a rich film programme. The Lenfilm studio will be the main platform for the cultural festival.
The access format for participants will be finalized at a later date

Kasugai Art Gallery, 24, Liteyny Prospekt (main entrance from Liteyny Prospekt)
Exhibitions «JAZZ RHYTHMS» & «HORIZONS» Kasugai Art Gallery
The rare samples of vinyl records of great jazz performers such as Louis Armstrong, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald will be presented at the «JAZZ RHYTHMS» exhibition.
Access with participant badge

24A, Marat Ulitsa
Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic
The museum is located in the building of the former St. Nicholas Church of the Same Faith. The museum's exposition is presented in 3 sections: "The nature of the Arctic", "The history of exploration and development of the Northern Sea Route", "Antarctica".
Here you can see the personal funds of researchers, equipment of expeditions, unique instruments, models of ships, dioramas.
Visit two poles in one day!
Access with participant badge
Call to book a tour +7(812)244-10-52 or +7(931)977-83-20

Mikhailovsky Palace, 4, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
The State Russian Museum. Mikhailovsky Palace
Participants will have access to the Mikhailovsky Palace, which which houses the State Russian Museum’s largest and most important permanent exhibition of the Russian Museum, including everything from old Russian icons to outstanding works of painting and sculpture of the 18th and 19th centuries.
It is the country’s first state museum of Russian fine art, with the decision to found the museum coming from Alexander III.
Present your Congress participant badge at the ticket office to receive your free ticket. The number of free tickets is limited.

The Benois Wing (The Russian Museum), 2, Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova
Africa in Russian Art Exhibition
General partner of the exhibition – Sberbank
Access is free with a participant’s badge. You must present your badge at the ticket office to receive a free ticket. The number of free tickets is limited.
The Benois Wing (The Russian Museum), 2, Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova
The Russian Museum. The Benois Wing
Today, the Benois Wing displays works of art from the late 19th to the early 21st century, including masterpieces by Valentin Serov, Mikhail Vrubel, Boris Kustodiev, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and many others. On the ground floor are the exhibitions "Africa in Russian Art" and "Inspired by Classics. Neoclassicism in Russia".
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office. The number of free tickets is limited.

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60

14, Tsitadelskoye Shosse, Kronstadt
Island of Forts project
From aboard a comfortable motor ship, guests will have the opportunity to see the future points of attraction on the tourist map of St. Petersburg: the Kronschlot, Peter I and Emperor Alexander I legendary forts. Currently, these UNESCO World Heritage sites are undergoing dynamic restoration, with plans to adapt them for modern use, transform them into museums, and establish them as the central pillars of the integrated Island of Forts historical and cultural complex by the year 2026.
The guests will also visit the Naval Glory Museum, with its grand opening scheduled for Navy Day on 30 July 2023. The Museum will officially open its doors to visitors on 1 August. During an exclusive tour, visitors will have the opportunity to see the centrepiece of the museum – the first Soviet nuclear submarine, K-3 Leninsky Komsomol, which is currently undergoing restoration. It is the world's only one-hundred-meter-long nuclear-powered submarine exhibited on land inside a building. The main exposition of the Museum will focus on the history of the development of the Russian Navy, spanning from Ancient Rus to the present day, catering to a wide audience. Interactive programs and various museum routes will be available to visitors of all ages and interests, allowing them to immerse themselves in the rich history of the Navy.
Duration of the water excursion – 45 minutes
Duration of the excursion to the Naval Glory Museum – 45 minutes.
Participants of the Forum and Summit can access for free with their badge. To book a place, call +7 926 075 5616 – Yulia

Peterhof State Museum and Reserve, 2, Razvodnaya Ulitsa, Petrodvorets
Park of the Peterhof State Museum and Reserve
Access with participant badge

Russian Museum of Ethnography, 4/1, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
Russian Museum of Ethnography
The museum displays unique objects of peoples living in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It preserves cultural artefacts of 157 peoples of Russia and neighbouring countries.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is housed in a building constructed in the style of Russian neoclassicism. The gem of the building is the Marble Hall. It was conceived as a memorial hall in honour of Emperor Alexander III. The peculiarity of this monumental structure, with an area of about 1,000 square metres, is the use of only Russian pink marble for decoration. Along the perimeter of the Marble Hall there is a high relief frieze depicting representatives of various peoples of the Russian Empire. Sculptors have placed numerous figures on it, forming genre scenes from the lives of multiple peoples of the Russian Empire, creating a collective image of Russia and emphasizing the idea of ethnic diversity, richness and variety of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting it.
Access with participant badge. The badge must be presented at the entrance to the museum.

17, Sadovaya Ulitsa. Entrance is from the corner of Sadovaya Ulitsa and Lomonosovskaya Ulitsa, or from Nevsky Prospekt (walk along the Sadovaya Ulitsa almost to the end. 2nd floor)
Word Catchers museum exposition and creative space
20th Century State Literary Museum
As well as the exhibition on the second floor of Gostiny Dvor, the 20th Century State Literary Museum opened a cultural space. The venue will become a destination for authors, experts, and lovers of classic and modern literature.
Sessions of the Reading With Our Noses perfume-literary exhibition will be organized for Forum and Summit participants at 13:00 and 19:00 on 26–29 July in French, in the Word Catchers exposition and creative space in the Bolshoy Gostiny Dvor.
Participants can enter the exhibition using their badge. Book a place by phone: 8 (812) 630 0203. The number of places is limited.

The Benois Wing (The Russian Museum), 2, Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova
Africa in Russian Art Exhibition
General partner of the exhibition – Sberbank
Access is free with a participant’s badge. You must present your badge at the ticket office to receive a free ticket. The number of free tickets is limited.
The Benois Wing (The Russian Museum), 2, Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboyedova
The Russian Museum. The Benois Wing
Today, the Benois Wing displays works of art from the late 19th to the early 21st century, including masterpieces by Valentin Serov, Mikhail Vrubel, Boris Kustodiev, Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and many others. On the ground floor are the exhibitions "Africa in Russian Art" and "Inspired by Classics. Neoclassicism in Russia".
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office. The number of free tickets is limited.

St. Petersburg’s Historical Park «Russia – My History», 32/1, Basseynaya Ulitsa
"The St. Petersburg–Africa: Contours of Interaction"
The exhibition will be held as part of the Second Russia–Africa Summit and the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, scheduled to take place on 27–28 July 2023.
15 subjects have been selected for the exhibition, representing important topics from the point of view of relations between Russia and Africa, with a particular relevance to St. Petersburg:
− Africans in St. Petersburg under Peter the Great: Abram Gannibal, an African ancestor of Alexander Pushkin
− Egyptomania in St. Petersburg: Sphinxes
− Russian Travellers in East Africa: Chikin, Gumilev, Vavilov
− Africa Learns: Students from the Black Continent on the Banks of the Neva River
− St. Petersburg and the Boer Struggle for Independence
− Participation of African Athletes in Sports Competitions on the Neva River
− Scientific African Studies in Leningrad/St. Petersburg
− Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Leningrad: The First Visit of an African Leader
− Visits to Leningrad by African Leaders
− Leningrad's Assistance in the Establishment of an Institute of Light Industry in Algeria
− St. Petersburg–Africa Cultural Exchange
− Construction of Warships for African States at St. Petersburg Shipyards
− African Collections in St. Petersburg Museums
− African Animals in the Leningrad Zoo
− Diplomatic Representations of African States in St. Petersburg
Access free

7, Sadovaya Ulitsa, Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin
Catherine Palace
The museum’s exhibition covers over 300 years of its history and the restoration efforts after the Great Patriotic War.
There is the possibility to independently purchase an audio guide.
Access with participant badge. Entrance through the Church Gate (landmark – bust of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli)

24A, Marat Ulitsa
Russian State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic
The museum is located in the building of the former St. Nicholas Church of the Same Faith. The museum's exposition is presented in 3 sections: "The nature of the Arctic", "The history of exploration and development of the Northern Sea Route", "Antarctica".
Here you can see the personal funds of researchers, equipment of expeditions, unique instruments, models of ships, dioramas.
Visit two poles in one day!
Access with participant badge
Call to book a tour +7(812)244-10-52 or +7(931)977-83-20

4B, Yelagin Island
Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation
Museum of Artisan Glass;
Staterooms of Yelagin Palace.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Mikhailovsky Palace, 4, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
The State Russian Museum. Mikhailovsky Palace
Participants will have access to the Mikhailovsky Palace, which which houses the State Russian Museum’s largest and most important permanent exhibition of the Russian Museum, including everything from old Russian icons to outstanding works of painting and sculpture of the 18th and 19th centuries.
It is the country’s first state museum of Russian fine art, with the decision to found the museum coming from Alexander III.
Present your Congress participant badge at the ticket office to receive your free ticket. The number of free tickets is limited.

1, Krasnoarmeysky Prospekt, Gatchina
Gatchina Palace
In this 18th-century palace, you can see the restored staterooms that date back to times of Paul I, including the upper throne room and the state bedchamber, take a walk down the romantic underground passage, and check out the famous Gatchina echo.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

St. Isaac’s Cathedral, 4, St. Isaac's Square
Museum St. Isaac’s Cathedral
The colonnade of St. Isaac’s is definitely a place worth visiting. Being the city’s most famous observation deck, it gives its visitors an opportunity to enjoy the view of the Neva and St. Petersburg’s historical areas.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office №6, №7.

2, Cheboksarsky Pereulok (through the archway, first entrance on the left in the courtyard)
Zoshchenko Apartment Museum
20th Century State Literary Museum
Sightseeing tour for participants of the Summit and Forum in English on July 26, 27 and 29 at 14:00, July 28 at 12:00.
Participants of the Forum and Summit can access the museum for free with their badge. To book a place, call 8 (812) 571 7819. The number of places is limited.

Lenfilm film studio, 10, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt
Days of African Culture and Cinema: Africa Together in the Future festival
The event programme will include a photo exhibition, music concerts by African performers, contemporary African poetry, thematic lectures, roundtable discussions and a rich film programme. The Lenfilm studio will be the main platform for the cultural festival.
The access format for participants will be finalized at a later date

Kasugai Art Gallery, 24, Liteyny Prospekt (main entrance from Liteyny Prospekt)
Exhibitions «JAZZ RHYTHMS» & «HORIZONS» Kasugai Art Gallery
The rare samples of vinyl records of great jazz performers such as Louis Armstrong, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Count Basie, Ella Fitzgerald will be presented at the «JAZZ RHYTHMS» exhibition.
Access with participant badge

22A, Ulitsa Chkalova, Gatchina
Priory Palace
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, 3, Peter and Paul Fortress
The State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg
Peter and Paul Fortress, Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Grand Ducal Burial Vault.
Access with participant badge

Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum, 5/2, Kuznechny Pereulok
Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.
How I Imagine Nigeria art project
The How I Imagine Nigeria art project serves as a significant event in the cultural cooperation between Russia and Nigeria. It serves as a vivid example of how art and design can foster dialogue and mutual understanding among diverse cultures and peoples.
Participants may access the project using their badge

Manege Central Exhibition Hall, 1, St. Isaac's Square
Safari Upturned. Contemporary African Art Exhibition
Among more than 300 works on the show are paintings, sculpture, and photography, including 9 videos and 3 large-scale installations created especially for this project. All of the works focus on the legacy of the colonial era, how disparate cultures exchange ideas, everyday life, and the search for identity and self-determination. They are showcased at the exhibition side by side with traditional African art, while the works of Russian artists visualize the changing perceptions of the African continent.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60

Main Stage, Alexandrinsky Theatre 6, Ploshchad Ostrovskogo
Innopraktika School’s Global Values International Ballet Festival
In the first part of the festival concert, the audience will enjoy works by Russian and foreign choreographers created during Innopraktika School choreographic sessions.
The second part will showcase the world premiere of Boris Eifman’s one-act ballet, My Jerusalem, danced by soloists of the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theatre and students from the Boris Eifman Dance Academy.
Access by invitation.

Peterhof State Museum and Reserve, 2, Razvodnaya Ulitsa, Petrodvorets
Park of the Peterhof State Museum and Reserve
Access with participant badge

17, Sadovaya Ulitsa. Entrance is from the corner of Sadovaya Ulitsa and Lomonosovskaya Ulitsa, or from Nevsky Prospekt (walk along the Sadovaya Ulitsa almost to the end. 2nd floor)
Word Catchers museum exposition and creative space
20th Century State Literary Museum
As well as the exhibition on the second floor of Gostiny Dvor, the 20th Century State Literary Museum opened a cultural space. The venue will become a destination for authors, experts, and lovers of classic and modern literature.
Sessions of the Reading With Our Noses perfume-literary exhibition will be organized for Forum and Summit participants at 13:00 and 19:00 on 26–29 July in French, in the Word Catchers exposition and creative space in the Bolshoy Gostiny Dvor.
Participants can enter the exhibition using their badge. Book a place by phone: 8 (812) 630 0203. The number of places is limited.

Russian Museum of Ethnography, 4/1, Inzhenernaya Ulitsa
Russian Museum of Ethnography
The museum displays unique objects of peoples living in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and Central Asia. It preserves cultural artefacts of 157 peoples of Russia and neighbouring countries.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is housed in a building constructed in the style of Russian neoclassicism. The gem of the building is the Marble Hall. It was conceived as a memorial hall in honour of Emperor Alexander III. The peculiarity of this monumental structure, with an area of about 1,000 square metres, is the use of only Russian pink marble for decoration. Along the perimeter of the Marble Hall there is a high relief frieze depicting representatives of various peoples of the Russian Empire. Sculptors have placed numerous figures on it, forming genre scenes from the lives of multiple peoples of the Russian Empire, creating a collective image of Russia and emphasizing the idea of ethnic diversity, richness and variety of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting it.
Access with participant badge. The badge must be presented at the entrance to the museum.

7, Sadovaya Ulitsa, Tsarskoe Selo, Pushkin
Catherine Palace
The museum’s exhibition covers over 300 years of its history and the restoration efforts after the Great Patriotic War.
There is the possibility to independently purchase an audio guide.
Access with participant badge. Entrance through the Church Gate (landmark – bust of Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli)

St. Petersburg’s Historical Park «Russia – My History», 32/1, Basseynaya Ulitsa
"The St. Petersburg–Africa: Contours of Interaction"
The exhibition will be held as part of the Second Russia–Africa Summit and the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, scheduled to take place on 27–28 July 2023.
15 subjects have been selected for the exhibition, representing important topics from the point of view of relations between Russia and Africa, with a particular relevance to St. Petersburg:
− Africans in St. Petersburg under Peter the Great: Abram Gannibal, an African ancestor of Alexander Pushkin
− Egyptomania in St. Petersburg: Sphinxes
− Russian Travellers in East Africa: Chikin, Gumilev, Vavilov
− Africa Learns: Students from the Black Continent on the Banks of the Neva River
− St. Petersburg and the Boer Struggle for Independence
− Participation of African Athletes in Sports Competitions on the Neva River
− Scientific African Studies in Leningrad/St. Petersburg
− Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Leningrad: The First Visit of an African Leader
− Visits to Leningrad by African Leaders
− Leningrad's Assistance in the Establishment of an Institute of Light Industry in Algeria
− St. Petersburg–Africa Cultural Exchange
− Construction of Warships for African States at St. Petersburg Shipyards
− African Collections in St. Petersburg Museums
− African Animals in the Leningrad Zoo
− Diplomatic Representations of African States in St. Petersburg
Access free

4B, Yelagin Island
Kirov Central Park of Culture and Recreation
Museum of Artisan Glass;
Staterooms of Yelagin Palace.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

1, Krasnoarmeysky Prospekt, Gatchina
Gatchina Palace
In this 18th-century palace, you can see the restored staterooms that date back to times of Paul I, including the upper throne room and the state bedchamber, take a walk down the romantic underground passage, and check out the famous Gatchina echo.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

St. Isaac’s Cathedral, 4, St. Isaac's Square
Museum St. Isaac’s Cathedral
The colonnade of St. Isaac’s is definitely a place worth visiting. Being the city’s most famous observation deck, it gives its visitors an opportunity to enjoy the view of the Neva and St. Petersburg’s historical areas.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office №6, №7.

2, Cheboksarsky Pereulok (through the archway, first entrance on the left in the courtyard)
Zoshchenko Apartment Museum
20th Century State Literary Museum
Sightseeing tour for participants of the Summit and Forum in English on July 26, 27 and 29 at 14:00, July 28 at 12:00.
Participants of the Forum and Summit can access the museum for free with their badge. To book a place, call 8 (812) 571 7819. The number of places is limited.
How I Imagine Nigeria art project
The How I Imagine Nigeria art project serves as a significant event in the cultural cooperation between Russia and Nigeria. It serves as a vivid example of how art and design can foster dialogue and mutual understanding among diverse cultures and peoples.
Participants may access the project using their badge

22A, Ulitsa Chkalova, Gatchina
Priory Palace
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, 3, Peter and Paul Fortress
The State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg
Peter and Paul Fortress, Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Grand Ducal Burial Vault.
Access with participant badge

Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum, 5/2, Kuznechny Pereulok
Dostoyevsky Literary Memorial Museum
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Manege Central Exhibition Hall, 1, St. Isaac's Square
Safari Upturned. Contemporary African Art Exhibition
Among more than 300 works on the show are paintings, sculpture, and photography, including 9 videos and 3 large-scale installations created especially for this project. All of the works focus on the legacy of the colonial era, how disparate cultures exchange ideas, everyday life, and the search for identity and self-determination. They are showcased at the exhibition side by side with traditional African art, while the works of Russian artists visualize the changing perceptions of the African continent.
Access with participant badge.
Participants need to produce their badges at the ticket office.

Moskovskaya Square
Rhythms of Africa Festival
The festival will culminate in a spectacular concert featuring original compositions performed by African musical ensembles, world premieres by St. Petersburg composers, and African-themed works performed by the Governor's Symphony Orchestra under the baton of conductor Alexey Nyagi. The concert programme will also feature a performance by the Zambian student group Sounds of Dreams, finalists of the Singing in the Kitchen Across the Country TV show, and performances by children's groups dedicated to African culture.
Guests can also look forward to painting and arts and crafts workshops led by African artists, as well as Afro braid weaving, traditional cooking, dancing and singing.
The concert program starts at 19:00
Free access

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60

Russian Geographical Society, 10, Lit. A, Grivtsova Pereulok
Sightseeing tours of the building and temporary exhibitions of the Russian Geographical Society
For the Summit and Forum participants the access is free by providing your participant badge and making an appointment in advance - 8-903-673-01-60