
Igora Drive circuit, 3/5, Priozerskoye Shosse, Priozersky District, Leningrad Region

Ladoga Gold International Multi-Stage Professional Cycling Race

The first Ladoga Gold multi-stage cycling race will reveal the nature and history of the Leningrad Region and the Republic of Karelia in an entirely new light.

The race has been organized by the Russian Cycling Federation and the Roscongress Foundation, with support from the Russian Ministry of Sports.

Russian cycling is continuing to expand the range and geography of its competitions. Ladoga Gold will bring together elite cyclists, and cycling will gain a new audience thanks to the tourism appeal of the race route.

The start and finish of the race will be marked in a festive format at the Igora Drive circuit, which has become a major attraction for residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Over the seven days of the race, participants will ride through 8 cities and 40 towns and villages.

The sixth and seventh stages of the race will be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad. The sixth stage finishing line will be close to the Breakthrough of the Siege of Leningrad Museum-Reserve.

The seventh stage of the race will begin with “kilometres of memories”. Racers will ride along the Road of Life from the village of Osinovets to the Broken Ring memorial.

The event will be held in compliance with all COVID-19 prevention measures.

Guest access to the event is free.

23, Krestovsky Prospect, Primorsky Victory Park

‘We Are Starting’ Race

Russia’s biggest forums are continuing their tradition of running events. The ‘We are starting’ race will be the third part of the Time to Act series.

Participants will start at 06:30 and run 5 km around Primorsky Victory Park on Krestovsky Island.

The race will be routed around the famous park, included in the state list of historical and cultural monuments of regional significance.

The race is organized by RC Sport – the Roscongress Foundation’s sports platform – and the League of Heroes, with support from the Russian Ministry of Sports.

Participants can register for the race at personal web office, with promo codes for Forum participants available in the personal web office.

Стадион «Политехник», ул. Политехническая, д. 27

Russia–Africa International Football Tournament among student teams

Relations between Russia and African countries will be taken to a new level by a football tournament between the best student teams.

Russia will be represented by Kuban State University (Krasnodar), the three-time champions of the National Students Football League, and the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (Simferopol), as well as the best teams from St. Petersburg universities competing in the NSFL.

Foreign participants include the strongest student football teams from Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and Mali.

In addition, the tournament will include open student competitions in popular sports 5-a-side football, 1-on-1 football and a new type of street football called panne.

The event will be held in compliance with all COVID-19 prevention measures.

Guest access to the event is free.

Dynamo Beach Sports Centre, 44b, Dynamo Prospekt

Group stage of the Russian Open Beach Volleyball Championship

Summer, sun, beach, Rastrelli Square – the centre of St. Petersburg is hosting a stage of the Russian beach volleyball championship.

The latest showdown confrontation between the leaders of the Russian national team Ilya Leshukov / Oleg Stoyanovsky and Vyacheslav Krasilnikov / Konstantin Semyonov will take place near the walls of Smolny Cathedral.

Doubles partners from other countries will take on Russian women beach volleyball stars Nadezhda Makroguzova and Svetlana Kholomina.

Brazil’s Larissa Franca and Liliane Maestrini will compete during the stage of the Russian championship. Franca has won bronze at the Olympics and gold at the volleyball world championship. Maestrini was a bronze medallist at the world championship and won the World Tour.

Doubles partners from China will also take part in the stage of the Russian championship.

Dynamo Beach Sports Centre, 44b, Dynamo Prospekt

Group stage of the Russian Open Beach Volleyball Championship

Summer, sun, beach, Rastrelli Square – the centre of St. Petersburg is hosting a stage of the Russian beach volleyball championship.

The latest showdown confrontation between the leaders of the Russian national team Ilya Leshukov / Oleg Stoyanovsky and Vyacheslav Krasilnikov / Konstantin Semyonov will take place near the walls of Smolny Cathedral.

Doubles partners from other countries will take on Russian women beach volleyball stars Nadezhda Makroguzova and Svetlana Kholomina.

Brazil’s Larissa Franca and Liliane Maestrini will compete during the stage of the Russian championship. Franca has won bronze at the Olympics and gold at the volleyball world championship. Maestrini was a bronze medallist at the world championship and won the World Tour.

Doubles partners from China will also take part in the stage of the Russian championship.

Стадион «Петровский», ул. Петровский остров, д. 2

Russia vs. Africa Football Gala Match

Announcement text: A friendly match with a star-studded cast of participants will adorn the sports programme of the Russia–Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum.

Forum participants, including politicians, business leaders and public figures, will take to the pitch alongside football legends from Russia and Africa.

The match is organized by the Russian Football Union with the support of RC Sport, the sports platform of the Roscongress Foundation.

The event will be held in compliance with all COVID-19 prevention measures.

Guest access to the event is by invitation only.

Ploshchad Rastrelli

Group stage of the Russian Open Beach Volleyball Championship

Summer, sun, beach, Rastrelli Square – the centre of St. Petersburg is hosting a stage of the Russian beach volleyball championship.

The latest showdown confrontation between the leaders of the Russian national team Ilya Leshukov / Oleg Stoyanovsky and Vyacheslav Krasilnikov / Konstantin Semyonov will take place near the walls of Smolny Cathedral.

Doubles partners from other countries will take on Russian women beach volleyball stars Nadezhda Makroguzova and Svetlana Kholomina.

Brazil’s Larissa Franca and Liliane Maestrini will compete during the stage of the Russian championship. Franca has won bronze at the Olympics and gold at the volleyball world championship. Maestrini was a bronze medallist at the world championship and won the World Tour.

Doubles partners from China will also take part in the stage of the Russian championship.

Стадион «Петровский», ул. Петровский остров, д. 2

Russia–Africa football friendly between diplomats

The art of diplomacy lies not only in building a constructive dialogue but also in the ability to play in a team, which is why the young diplomats are creating new platforms for international cooperation.

In search of what unites us, rather than what divides us, the diplomats will be replacing business style and strict protocol with sports kit and the language of football.

The teams participating in the match will be represented by officials from Russia’s Foreign Ministry and the foreign ministries of African states, famous athletes, musicians and artists.

Guest access to the event is free.

The event will be held in compliance with all COVID-19 preventive measures.

Стадион «Политехник», ул. Политехническая, д. 27

Moving Forward international amateur football festival for entrepreneurs

The event will include a festival of amateur football between Russian and African entrepreneurs from different spheres of business. The format of the event is 5-a-side.

The participants of the international amateur festival will show by example that even when running a company and having a busy working schedule, it is important to find time to play your favourite sport.

The event will be held in compliance with all COVID-19 prevention measures.

Guest access to the event is free.

«Apreciamos muito os resultados do nosso trabalho conjunto na Cimeira. Tenho a certeza de que os resultados alcançados constituem uma boa base para um maior aprofundamento da parceria russo-africana no interesse da prosperidade e bem-estar dos nossos povos».

Presidente da Federação da Rússia,
Vladimir Putin

A Cimeira Rússia-África, que será realizada em Sochi de 23 a 24 de Outubro de 2019, personifica os laços históricos amigáveis entre o Continente Africano e a Federação da Rússia. Esta Cimeira é de grande importância pois é a primeira deste tipo durante o período de grandes transformações globais e internacionais e, em resposta às aspirações dos povos, visa criar uma estrutura abrangente para o avanço das relações russo-africanas para horizontes mais amplos de cooperação em várias esferas.

Os países africanos e a Rússia têm uma posição comum nas actividades internacionais baseadas nos princípios do respeito pelo Direito Internacional, igualdade, não interferência nos assuntos internos dos Estados, solução pacífica de controvérsias e confirmação da fidelidade a acções multilaterais, de acordo com a visão semelhante que os dois lados têm para enfrentar os novos desafios globais. O terrorismo e extremismo em todas as suas formas, a diminuição das taxas de crescimento e a firme convicção de ambos os lados da importância de fomentar trocas comerciais e apoiar o investimento mútuo de forma a garantir a segurança, paz e desenvolvimento para os povos do Continente Africano e da Rússia.

Os países africanos têm um enorme potencial e oportunidades que, com a optimização, lhes permitirão tornar-se numa das potências económicas emergentes. Nos últimos anos, os países do Continente fizeram grandes progressos em todas as questões políticas, económicas, sociais e administrativas. Na última década, África conseguiu avanços no que diz respeito ao crescimento, que chegou a 3,55% em 2018.

Dando continuidade aos esforços dos países africanos que eles empreenderam na Cimeira da União Africana no Níger, em Julho de 2019, entrou em vigor o Acordo de Livre Comércio Continental Africano, incluindo o lançamento de respectivas ferramentas. Este Acordo é um dos principais objectivos da Estratégia de Desenvolvimento da África 2063, chamada a contribuir para a realização das esperanças do povo africano de prosperidade e uma vida digna.

Estes êxitos abrem amplas perspectivas de cooperação entre os países africanos e a Federação Russa e confirmam a determinação dos governos dos países africanos e de seus povos de cooperar com diversos parceiros, a fim de estabelecer relações mutuamente vantajosas.

Neste contexto, esperamos que a Cimeira Rússia-África contribua para o estabelecimento de relações estratégicas construtivas baseadas na cooperação entre os dois lados em várias esferas, o que ajudará a realizar as esperanças e aspirações dos povos africanos e do povo amigo russo.

Presidente da República Árabe do Egipto
Abdel Fattah Al Sisi