The Diamond Industry: A Shining Opportunity for Collaboration

The ‘Russian–African Collaboration in the Diamond Industry’ session promises to be a highlight of the Russia-Africa Forum business programme’s Creating Joint Projects track. On 23 October, Russian and international experts will come together to discuss current trends and problems in the diamond mining industry.
Diamonds are the stock-in-trade of Russia and Africa alike. Their production accounts for a significant part of the export earnings of several African countries and plays a significant role in the continent’s economy. Russia is the world’s top producer of diamonds and can boast a wealth of experience in technology, process management, and corporate and financial management. A unification of efforts and competencies would allow the industry to reduce risks and increase financial security. The outlook for collaboration in marketing, logistical organization, improving regulatory affairs, and working together on intra-industry standards is promising. Forum experts will discuss the prospects and plot a vector for further developing cooperation.
The session will be moderated by Iris Van der Veken, Executive Director of the Responsible Jewelry Council. Discussion participants will include Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev, Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum of the Republic of Angola Diamantino Pedro Azevedo, Minister of Mines and Mining Development of the Republic of Zimbabwe Winston Chitando, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin, Minister of Mines and Energy of the Republic of Namibia and Chair of the African Diamond Producers Association Tom Alweendo, Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Aleksei Moiseev, President of the World Diamond Council Stephane Fischler, Сhief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Executive Committee of ALROSA Sergey Ivanov, Board Chairman of the Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company Killian Ukama, Chief Executive Officer of the Diamond Producers Association Jean-Marc Lieberherr, Managing Director of the Okavango Diamond Company Marcus ter Haar, Chief Executive Officer of Namib Desert Diamonds (NAMDIA) Kennedy Hamutenya, and Director General of La Société Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA) Albert Mukina.
The session will take place in partnership with ALROSA.
“More than 47% of the world’s diamond reserves are concentrated in Africa, and African development is of significant interest to ALROSA. In the course of our work in Africa, we have accumulated a wealth of experience, are well acquainted with features specific to the region, and are adept at finding shared points and mutual interests. The company would like to further develop cooperation, which we believe can be of benefit to both parties. A discussion of synergy in the diamond mining industry that involves all interested parties can serve to drive further development and bring African diamond products onto the world market”, Ivanov said.
The Russia–Africa Summit and Economic Forum will take place on 23–24 October in Sochi at the Sirius Park of Science and Art. The events are being organized by the Roscongress Foundation, and the co-organizers of the Russia–Africa Economic Forum are Russian Export Center and Afreximbank.
For a more detailed version of the Russia–Africa Economic Forum programme, please visit: