Any finished materials containing official information or quotes from International Far Eastern Maritime Show participants must refer to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show and the information source or provide a link to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show website if the information is sourced from the website. No modifications, additions or distortions may be made to any copied (quoted) information.
- Print media/radio: any program or interview produced on the International Far Eastern Maritime Show grounds must contain a reference to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (text or emblem/logo).
- TV: any program or interview recorded on the International Far Eastern Maritime Show grounds must contain a reference to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (text or emblem/logo).
- Online publications: any article or interview produced during or based on the results of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show must contain a reference to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (text or emblem/logo).
- Photos: any published photos must contain a reference to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show embedded in the image or caption (text or emblem/logo).
- Blogs/social media: any finished copy posted online (in blogs, social media, etc.) using official information obtained as part of participation in the International Far Eastern Maritime Show or quoting International Far Eastern Maritime Show participants (any participant quotes are subject to the participant’s express personal consent) must contain true facts.
The International Far Eastern Maritime Show organizers are not responsible for any statements made in the blogosphere or by social media users. Roscongress Foundation hereby declares that it is entitled to using the text of any articles or photos or video footage obtained or created by members of the media during preparations for or holding of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show events subject to including a reference to the authors of any such materials.