1. General provisions

    1. Mass media representatives (hereinafter the media) are accredited at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show in order to provide the necessary conditions for their professional activities to prepare and disseminate complete and accurate information about the events of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.

    2. Media accreditation is mandatory for work at all events of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.

    3. When performing their professional activities, the media is required to respect the rights and legitimate interests of the participants and personnel of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show and comply with generally recognized ethical standards.

    4. The number of media representatives who may take part in the International Far Eastern Maritime Show is limited due to the organizers’ desire to provide the media with the most comfortable working conditions possible as well as quick access to all necessary resources given the media’s significant interest in the event and taking into account the infrastructural limitations of the event site.

    5. The Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show may increase the quota based on an official request from the media provided if there is a reasoned justification for such a need.

  2. Media accreditation

    1. Accreditation procedure

      A registration application to take part in the International Far Eastern Maritime Show may be submitted by both Russian and foreign media representatives subject to the following conditions:

      • Russian media organizations must be registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (hereinafter Roskomnadzor)
      • Foreign media representatives:
        • must be accredited with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs if they permanently work in the Russian Federation
        • if a foreign media representative does not have accreditation from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to completing an application on the official website, the media representative must send a request to the Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show on the organization’s official letterhead signed by the head and with the organization’s seal with a request to provide accreditation for the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (sample letter)
    2. Accreditation application submission and review procedure

      • Media representatives who wish to take part in covering the events of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show as well as media representatives with a specialized focus who wish to take part in covering a specialized business event of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show must submit an accreditation application (hereinafter an application) via the official website of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (www.ifemshow.org).
      • A letter from the moderator of a business event with a request to accredit a media representative indicating the correspondent’s outlet, full name, position, and passport data (passport series and number, date and place of birth, registered address) is required for the Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show to consider an application from a media representative with a specialized focus.
      • All fields must be completed in the application with particular attention paid to the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk.
      • The application submission period via the official website of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show is from 18 June to 20 July 2018.
      • The review period is at least 10 business days following the expiration of the deadline for accepting media applications for registration.
      • Media accreditation is valid for the entire duration of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.
    3. Media accreditation badge issuance procedure

      • Media representatives are given accreditation badges provided their registration applications are approved by the Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.
      • Accreditation badges are issued in Vladivostok at accreditation points. Information about the location and hours of the accreditation points will be available on the official website of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (www.ifemshow.org).
      • Accreditation badges may only be issued if the following conditions are met:
        • if there is confirmed accreditation in the database of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show
        • upon presenting a passport (the passport number must match the number specified in the registration form) as well as:
        • for the Russian media – upon presenting a media identification card or, if a badge is obtained by proxy, an official letter on the media outlet’s letterhead signed by the director or the person responsible for personnel management at the organization with the organization’s certified seal (sample letter)
        • for foreign media representatives accredited with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – upon presenting the accreditation card from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
        • for foreign media representatives not accredited with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – upon presenting a media identification (press card)
      • The badge is personalized and may not be given to third parties during the International Far Eastern Maritime Show. The badge is only valid upon presenting the identity document (passport) given during registration. The badge must be worn in a visible place at all times when at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show venue.
      • Any other accreditation cards are not valid for entering the International Far Eastern Maritime Show venue.
      • If an accreditation badge is lost or stolen, the media representative must immediately notify any information desk. A lost badge will be blocked. A duplicate will be issued based on a written request.
    4. Rules for accessing events of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show

      • Media accreditation is mandatory to work at all events of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.
      • Access to certain events of the business programme of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show 2018 may be restricted for media representatives due to the infrastructural capabilities of the venue.
      • Media technical personnel are granted access based on the regulation for the access of technical personnel to the venue of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show.
  3. Denial of accreditation

    The Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show may deny accreditation:

    • to individuals who are not media representatives
    • to media representatives who specialize in publications with a purely advertising or citation-based focus or narrow specialization that is not related to the theme of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show except for industry-based publications
    • The Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show reserves the right to deny accreditation without explanation
  4. Rights and obligations of media accredited at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show

    1. Media representatives accredited at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show may:

      • utilize all services specifically intended for the work of journalists and press service employees
      • obtain information about the official events and exhibitions of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show (press releases, business programme, participants, catalogues of participants, etc.)
      • work at the press centre of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show during official events using the infrastructure of the press centre of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show
      • attend press conferences, briefings, and other press events
    2. Media representatives accredited at the International Far Eastern Maritime Show must:

      • verify the accuracy of the information they report
      • fulfil the requests of individuals who provide information with a reference to its source
      • inform citizens and officials about any audio or video recording, filming, or photography when obtaining information from such individuals
      • present a media identification card or another document certifying the identity and credentials of the media representative when engaging in professional activities if and when requested
      • not use their professional capabilities to conceal information or falsify public information or collect information for a third party or organization that is not a media outlet
      • suspend (stop) photography or video recording at the request of security service officials of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show
      • not disseminate printed materials on the territory of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show without approval from the Organizing Committee of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show
      • when using official information and quoting statements from International Far Eastern Maritime Show participants, adhere to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show Citation Policy, specifically: finished materials must contain a reference to the International Far Eastern Maritime Show and the source of the information obtained, and for electronic media – a reference to the official website of the International Far Eastern Maritime Show. Any amendments, additions, or distortions of copied (cited) information are not permitted

«Мы высоко оцениваем итоги нашей совместной работы на саммите. Уверен, что достигнутые результаты формируют хорошую основу для дальнейшего углубления российско-африканского партнёрства в интересах процветания и благополучия наших народов».

Президент Российской Федерации
Владимир Путин

Саммит Россия – Африка, который пройдет в Сочи 23–24 октября 2019 года, олицетворяет исторические дружеские связи между Африканским континентом и Российской Федерацией. Данный Саммит имеет большое значение, поскольку он является первым в своем роде в период крупных глобальных и международных преобразований и в ответ на чаяния народов направлен на создание комплексных рамок для продвижения российско-африканских отношений к более широким горизонтам совместного сотрудничества в различных областях.

Африканские страны и Россия исходят из общих позиций в международных действиях, основанных на принципах уважения норм международного права, равенства, невмешательства во внутренние дела государств, мирного разрешения споров и подтверждения приверженности многосторонних действий в соответствии с аналогичным видением двух сторон противостоянию новым международным вызовам. Терроризм и экстремизм во всех его формах, снижение темпов роста и твердое убеждение обеих сторон в важности развития торгового обмена и поддержки взаимных инвестиций таким образом, чтобы обеспечить безопасность, мир и развитие для народов Африканского континента и России.

Африканские страны обладают огромным потенциалом и возможностями, которые позволят им после оптимизации войти в число развивающихся экономических держав. За последние годы страны континента достигли больших успехов по всем политическим, экономическим, социальным и управленческим вопросам. За последнее десятилетие Африка преуспела в темпах роста, достигнув уровня в 3,55% в 2018 году.

В продолжение усилий африканских стран на саммите Африканского союза в Нигере в июле 2019 года было отмечено вступление в силу Африканского континентального соглашения о свободной торговле, включая запуск его инструментов. Данное соглашение является одной из главных целей стратегии развития Африки до 2063 года и призвано способствовать удовлетворению надежд африканского народа на процветание и достойную жизнь.

Эти успехи открывают широкие перспективы сотрудничества между африканскими странами и Российской Федерацией и подтверждают решимость правительств африканских стран и их народов к сотрудничеству с разными партнерами в целях установления взаимовыгодных отношений.

В этом контексте мы рассчитываем на то, что Саммит Россия – Африка будет способствовать установлению конструктивных стратегических отношений, основанных на сотрудничестве между двумя сторонами в различных областях, что поможет в реализации надежд и чаяний африканских народов и дружественного российского народа.

Президент Арабской Республики Египет
Абдель Фаттах Аль-Сиси